Tripp Doherty

Tripp Doherty

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Stacey A. Ries What an Athlete!

Stacey Ries

Hello Jack, Would you happen to know if Maureen from the gym is on facebook...or do you have an e-mail contact for her? There are no doubt several Maureen’s...but she is the wonderfully understated and humble hardcore Triple Tripper Player on Tuesday's who is training for her 1st tri. (Whoa..that wasn't intentional! ) I've been running with her every Tuesday after class but don't know her last name and didn't get her e mail, etc!

Also, I gather from your blogs that you've hit a rough patch of road personally. Ever notice that life is like a spin class...minus the flat tires that is? No coasting in spin and certainly no downhills. Awful lot of hills. And the best you can hope for at the top of 'em is a flat road. But even then most of the time you're pedaling like mad on the flats just to hold your place. But perhaps that is why spin is so's one hour...even on a bad day most of us, most of the time, can keep our minds focused, our spirits high and our pedals flying. The remaining 23 hours of the day are a lot less certain. Anyway, just wanted to say hang in there. Your blogs help a lot of the rest of us keep the pedals turning in life and make us smile too.

Thanks, Stacey Ries

Need I say more about the friendships we develop here? They have a quality that transcends because when you share passion and enthusiasm with another human being the ties that bind are like square knots that won't let go. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Doldrums

Once in awhile my inspiration takes a holiday and leaves me flat lined and today is one of those days. Tripper Tuesday has become my respite from my current chaos and like a sailing ship that has hit the doldrums on the windless sea; Svengali sends his gale force winds and lifts all boats including mine, which of late has been taking on water faster than I can pump it overboard.  

The Twins are back and just like the radio waves we cannot see, their energy preceded their homecoming. I was just thinking about them this week and as I turned from my #21 there they both were smiling in unison at me as if they heard my call from the great beyond. One of my guardian angels was to my right and she looked over just to make sure I was properly equipped with the liquids that would keep me from the travails that have plagued me of late. How does it get better? Tripp says: We Carry Each Other. No truer words could be spoken as my friends in the CS have an authenticity that is unparalleled. I feel like we have connected on some deep visceral level that casual acquaintances and some relationships we call friendships could ever lay claim to.  

Okay so I am being melodramatic. The problem is that this writer is way too  in touch with his anima and whenever the Mr. Softee* truck plays its tune I think its my theme song. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Temporary Blindness

Amidst turmoil it can happen that one falls asleep at the wheel and one might forget to  use common sense. That was me this week in Tripper’s Noon edition this past week. I apologize for the scene I caused when it need not have happened in the first place. A friend has told me that I should keep glucose tablets in my gym bag. I went out and got some powdered Gator Ade and an emergency protein bar and I promise my friends it will not happen again. 

Tripper has told me that there are many stories to be told on this blog and I am so ready to tell them all I  need for you the reader is  to tell your story. I have been writing for nigh on a year and a half about spinning and all of them have been from my perspective. How do you see yourself from behind your handlebars? We feel the energy of Tripp and those around us but what makes you come back again and again? What does this experience bring to your personal life? I think it was Constance who said she continued to hear Tripper’s voice when she was doing her Ironwoman urging her on. What is it for you? You know what it is for me. Now it’s your turn. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Once Was Enough

Might it be that the universe talks to me in English? Especially in view of the fact that I wrote in KSC that maybe a second spin class was not a good idea.  Lo and behold after about 25 minutes in Tripper’s 1215 I started to feel light headed. It was as if I was outside myself and it was then I realized that my brain was starting to shut down.  I had no choice it was going to be another dramatic exit and as I slowed my pedal stroke to a snails pace and then came to a stop I realized that there was no way I could just vanish. I motioned to Tripp I was okay and gave the high sign to my good friend Debbie. I shuffled slowly down the corridor and sat down on a bench outside the main studio and watched as my body continued to rain on the rubber mats between my legs. This was not about my heart which was beating regularly it was a feeling I had not felt ever. 

After about 8 minutes or so Steve the trainer happened by and instantly knew that I was experiencing a drop in my sugar level and ran downstairs for a Gator Ade. Within a few minutes I perked up and thanks to experts like him I didn’t keel over on to the floor. I thanked him and I will not leave myself under nourished again. Kristen is always telling us to fill ourselves with something nutritious and of course I ignored her excellent didacticism. 

Friday, June 17, 2011

Rhapsody in Steel Blue

On the heels of a roller coaster week in my own personal life I can feel a sense of satisfaction about our friend Tripp Doherty. He makes me forget my own troubles and gets me out of me by taking me for a ride.   I know it’s his job but we all know it’s more than that to him. He gives us his heart and soul and we return to him our passion and devotion. 

This week the women of Svengali took it upon themselves to insure that one of his dreams was met for 2012. He wished and they granted. It wasn’t trance induction it was just love in return. I never envisioned that when I started blogging about Tripper that it would evolve into this love fest but it has and there is a wonderful rapport we have in the collective when those glass doors close.  When we emerge, wet and winded it’s as if we just experienced Rhapsody in Blue and I know I am so Jazzed for the day as I descend the stairs and head to play my song on this keyboard. 

My special thanks to my friend the PQ, Debbie Jensen.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tears of Joy

From Constance Korol:

 I just wanted to say that in the process of collecting the money from the members, you could see how much they adore Tripp. They wanted to reciprocate the joy he gives us every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. They want him to be happy.  

Maureen Russo:

I wish more of you could have experienced Constance giving the Tripp the entrance fee first hand.  Tripp was soo touched, and speechless.  He truly wears his heart on his sleeve.  He deserves that and more, it just shows you how much he gives to people, because everybody just wants to give a little something back to him, and they did. 

Dana Bratti:

Unbelievable!!! So well deserved on his part!!!

And from me Jack, it's been a great Tripp taking his class, getting excited, writing about him and just having a great time every time I enter the CS. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Tripp of a Lifetime

We go on a journey every time he arrives here on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  Most of the populace would use the phrase that his cycling classes are an “experience” but I think and this is just me sessions with Tripper are a journey of the mind through the doorway of the heart. 

In a chat with Louis before the 8:30 he told a story that is not often told here at Equinox. It is the fact that instructors in our club can carve out their own individuality here. In other words despite the fact that EQ is a huge corporation the staff here are encouraged to bring their own personal singularity to their innate talent.  How else would we have the devotion that we do with  (and I will only mention a few) people like Tripp, Kristen and Pam. They have that attractability factor that generates a mass appeal that they might not be able to put on display someplace else. You can’t mass-produce a Picasso but at EQ original paintings are something we see every day.   

Today was an emotional day in the 6 AM and although I did not get to witness our devotion in action I nonetheless will chronicle the story maybe tomorrow. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Man in the Center Ring

A printing malfunction at the front desk kept us on the edge waiting to sign ourselves up for the remaining bikes for the new iconic 8:30. It reminded me of last year in the old studio for KSC wherein arriving 45 minutes before did not guarantee a seat for the remaining 10 spots.  Life in the CS has become my 2nd home in this my 3rd space. I have been here since the beginning when signups were in a trailer in the front parking lot and I have spent the better part of 8+ years here and it is like no other club I have been to in my life. From big franchises like Jack LaLanne, Gold’s Gym and NY Sports Club to small mom and pop owned gyms this one is the only space where I am in no particular hurry to leave every time I walk in those doors. There isn’t much to complain about ever here and this regime (I have seen them all) including Peter Rothermel and the ubiquitous Louis Cohen make it even more comfortable than when I first arrived. I love to wax poetic about Equinox and in particular Woodbury because I feel as comfortable here as I do in my own living room. 

 I awoke at 6:18 yesterday thinking I was just in time to sign in for the 8:30 but alas I fell back asleep and as a result had to get to the queue a bit earlier than usual.  A full house for both the 8:30 and the 9:45 on Tripper Tuesday as it seems to be the trend as this man’s popularity continues to grow. And there is plenty of crossover from KSC as well because I see some of my favorite faces in Tripp’s class enjoying the fandango and the singular passion that is Frank Doherty. 

 In two sessions with Kristen and Carolyn Mellace I found myself using the new monitors and they had me transfixed, but on this Tuesday I barely glanced down at it and wound up burning the same amount of calories. Go figure.  Make no mistake, I think the monitor is a useful tool there is not much doubt about that but it also tells me that for me Tripp is the main attraction like the man in the center ring of the circus. 

And some just can’t get enough of Svengali, like our guest blogger yesterday Maureen Russo. I saw her steal out of the CS at 9:15 to sign up for the next class. What devotion because frankly we just can’t get enough. 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Lake Minnewaska

Here in her own words is Maureen Russo about her trip to Lake Minnewaska this past Sunday.

After taking many spin classes with Tripp and listening to how beautiful Lake Minnewaska was for mountain biking, I finally decided I had to go and see what it was all about.

The problem in my mind was that I had never been mountain biking, and didn’t even own a mountain bike.

I made the decision to rent one and, I was on my way to Lake Minnewaska.

Upon arriving I meet Christina, who informed me that she is an Ironman participant, and immediately I asked myself what have I gotten myself into?

Shortly after Tripp arrives, and my adventure began.  We were moving along through the rolling hills, and enjoying the beautiful scenery.  I was holding my own and was feeling pretty good, praying that we wouldn't see any of the snakes and bears that Tripp kept talking about.

Tripp began talking about this very steep uphill, that he would like to go to, and told me that he thought I could make it up.  He told me it was like being on “8” in spin class, but for ten minutes!!  I figured what do I have to lose?...but I did not make it up the hill, I had to get off and walk the rest of the way. Although it did take some time to get the feeling back in my legs, it did not discourage me from the rest of the ride.

I got to experience what  Tripp  had been saying in class about taking what we do in spin class outside. And being able to do the ride because of his class. 

It was a great day, a ride I will never forget.  I will definitely be going tack to Lake Minnewaska, and I will make it up that hill next time.

Thanks for a great adventure Tripp.  

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Far From the Madding Crowd

Unfortunately I won’t be able to record for you the Sunday trip to Minnewaska with Tripper. I instead will scribe about our trance inducers Friday in the CS.  Fridays for me are the redux of the Tuesday mayhem and it’s a great way to start the weekend.  On Fridays I have the added convenience of coming late to the 6 AM class and find a bike because some have left for their vocations.  I still get about 25 minutes of effort and since the 715 is only  45 minutes I still get the full hour in.
And at 8 o’clock I still can start my day far ahead of the madding crowd* that starts everywhere at 9.  The 715 was full as only he can do in that odd hour and the fun never ceases to amaze me because his excitement never wanes. He is incandescent every day and his infectious fandango is airborne and we don’t need the CDC for antibiotics.  He loves what he does and what else can we ask for except to get a shot of B-12 whenever he gets to call the pedal stroke.  Be warned 45 minutes is over seemingly before it begins. 

*Far from the madding crowd:  Thomas Hardy’s Fourth Novel from 1874. Madding means frenzied. 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Lake Minnewaska Part II SUNDAY June 5th 9 AM Start

Tripp informs me that the weather will not be a factor and that blue skies and spring temperatures will prevail. He is inviting all up to his second home for a pre-summer ride in one of New York’s most scenic parks. The bike paths are perfect: challenging for the expert and yet still paths will suit the beginner to intermediate rider. The festivities start at 9 AM and no matter what your skill or endurance level is it will be a day you can ride to your hearts content. Call him on his cell for any updates you need or email me at