Tripp Doherty

Tripp Doherty

Monday, June 6, 2011

Lake Minnewaska

Here in her own words is Maureen Russo about her trip to Lake Minnewaska this past Sunday.

After taking many spin classes with Tripp and listening to how beautiful Lake Minnewaska was for mountain biking, I finally decided I had to go and see what it was all about.

The problem in my mind was that I had never been mountain biking, and didn’t even own a mountain bike.

I made the decision to rent one and, I was on my way to Lake Minnewaska.

Upon arriving I meet Christina, who informed me that she is an Ironman participant, and immediately I asked myself what have I gotten myself into?

Shortly after Tripp arrives, and my adventure began.  We were moving along through the rolling hills, and enjoying the beautiful scenery.  I was holding my own and was feeling pretty good, praying that we wouldn't see any of the snakes and bears that Tripp kept talking about.

Tripp began talking about this very steep uphill, that he would like to go to, and told me that he thought I could make it up.  He told me it was like being on “8” in spin class, but for ten minutes!!  I figured what do I have to lose?...but I did not make it up the hill, I had to get off and walk the rest of the way. Although it did take some time to get the feeling back in my legs, it did not discourage me from the rest of the ride.

I got to experience what  Tripp  had been saying in class about taking what we do in spin class outside. And being able to do the ride because of his class. 

It was a great day, a ride I will never forget.  I will definitely be going tack to Lake Minnewaska, and I will make it up that hill next time.

Thanks for a great adventure Tripp.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maureen! You are bad ass!!! Love that you guest blogged and hit the trails w tripper ! So jealous I have been away for the last few weeks...dying wo my tripp tues and fri!!!