I am sure you do and I am trying to understand what about him inspires us to do the things we do. I am not talking about what we do in the Lavender Palace. I’m talking about outside EQ. Take today for instance. He had been talking about this Polar Bear event in Oyster Bay this Sunday. You know where those hearty souls doff their warm end of the winter clothes and head into the frigid waters? Well I never thought of ever participating in such lunacy. However, after not giving it much thought I decided that I would join the mob of crazies and see what it was all about.
Tripp said that the expectation of just how cold the water will be is much worse than what you actually feel as you hit the water. I took him at face value instead of adopting a cynical attitude of: Yeah Right! We were actually quite lucky because the air temp was in the low 50’s not exactly winter but the waters of Oyster Bay were just a tad cooler at 46 degrees and a water temp just 14 degrees above freezing is nothing to shiver about. Well check that maybe just a little bone chilling at that. As I watched the small horde of adventurers rush in I thought I would take my time just in case some of the brave bathers changed their minds and headed back to the rocky sands of the beach. And return they did in quite a few numbers with the most horrified looks on their faces. I got my feet wet and I decided right then and there to take the plunge and take my whole body head and all submerge myself for the full effect. Yowsa it was freaking cold but I had no visual documentation so I spied Constance’s beloved husband Michael who is never without his camera and I asked him to take a picture or two and again with little thought headed back in for the second dunking. It was just as cold but now I had proof.
Someone said to Tripper once that the people in the studio are not your friends. Well I hate to differ but today I counted several. Maureen, Lori and her husband and daughter, Stacie, Janene, David and of course Constance. And of course there was me because I was just not going to miss out and I am so glad I did. I even bought a hat and long sleeve Tee just to mark the occasion.
I would never had done what I did today without Mr. Inspiration Tripp Doherty.
Check out on Facebook some of the great photos Constance's husband Michael took.