Any controversy that may have existed as to the most emotional spin class that I have ever taken in my short tenure was ended today in the 8:30. The pulse at the outset was high I could feel it and if there was a meter to measure Human Energy it would have hit TILT. Some of my favorites were in attendance: Mary McCann, The Twins, Lisa, Marcy, Maureen and Randi in the back row. These friends can be counted on to lift our spirits no matter what the day has brought us.
The class was full at 55 and about 10 minutes in the whole course of the ride changed and brought us together in unison like I have never experienced before. Jessica had taken her place on an empty bike because of the 5-minute rule, which states that if you are not on your Schwinn 5 minutes before class commences you will forfeit your bike. It was now ten minutes in and a young woman and let me just call her “Big Brazil” by the detail on her tights started a confab with Jessica and we all knew what was happening and the net of it was that Jessica being the good sport she was got off and gave her bike to the late comer. Now it’s easy to lay judgment on someone we don’t know and call them egocentric and selfish but far be it for us to sit in the court of public opinion. Let’s focus instead on the fact that throughout the confab while the music played Jessica never changed her countenance, which was a broad smile. Some of us like me for instance might not have taken too kindly to be summarily unseated and I know personally since I had lost a bike under similar circumstances about a month prior. Jessica took it without so much as a shrug of her shoulders and as she started her exit the CS erupted with a sigh of indignation. However all was not lost Tripper to the rescue as he gave up his bike to Dr. Jessica. Pandemonium broke loose and he lifted the room single handedly. We have come together before but not like this. Just like Mary McCann from a week ago Jessica displayed the élan of yet another you want in that foxhole should the need arise. This is no act lady and gents this is authentic and the 8:30 will always carry a memory I shall not forget.
More on this story here:
Projection is no more than speculation guessing with invisible ink.