Tripp Doherty

Tripp Doherty

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Super Conductivity

What is now becoming its own phenomena within one is the 8:30 Tuesday session of Svengali. Tripp was saying just this past week that the type of energy that comes with each class cannot be something that is planned. It just happens and when Marcy and Stacy and friends broke out the tambourines a couple of Tuesdays ago who would have thought that it would set off a spontaneous eruption that should have made youtube. 

Needless to say that no one including yours truly would ever think of acting up in KSC like we feel is perfectly natural in Tripper’s class, but that’s the fun of having the different personalities we are so lucky to have at our club. 

 Try not to think me too eccentric but I am starting to believe that it is becoming an undeniable fact that spinning in our group is bringing us closer together in ways that I could never have expected. It has me believing that we are entering a collective consciousness that is beyond words and that we are sharing in each other’s lives indirectly and enhancing our life in the other 23 hours. 

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