This song by The Doors carried such special meaning to me as a teenager and now eons later as I hear it the pressure in my solar plexus is palpable. When this recording was released in 1968 it was a favorite of mine to try and recreate with my limited range of voice especially in the shower. Well one day the closest human being alive in my life my sister Carol was in earshot of my caterwauling as I vainly attempted to cover Jim Morrison’s hit. Well needless to say when I exited the bath my sister teased me like she never had before imitating my horrific rendition of the tune. I was embarrassed at the time but now it is one of my fondest memories. Thanks Tripper for playing it now and again.
Lately maybe as I get deeper into my sexagenarian years I am finding that those that “touch me” in my life have given me pause for thought about just how short life really is. Heretofore I was usually nonplussed by life’s comings and goings but not now. My felt sense is that we do only pass by but once and every moment is precious even those that might leave us reeling back on our heels. My thought is that every step back is responsible for the next two steps forward.
Spin class has as I have said before spawned many fond friendships and acquaintances and these liaisons have given me more sensory acuity to those closest to my heart. Love has never felt better in this old mans life as it does now. Thank you my friends you’ve changed my life outside the Lavender Palace too.
Lest I forget this is a Tripp Doherty blog, I watched our hero today with a discerning eye. I still see a man hugely devoted to his riders and his students outside the rooms as he inspires with his authentic raw energy and enthusiasm. And as he speaks to us in his inimitable way he touches me to keep coming back.