Tripp Doherty

Tripp Doherty

Friday, April 15, 2011

My Green Tambourine

My good friend Debbie (PQ) passed on greetings from Buzz. He escaped and went to Lifetime. Here’s hoping he has a psychic change and returns, because this writer misses his outgoing and always-friendly persona. He heard about the tambourine class which has taken on a life of it’s own and will emblazon the 830 class and probably make entry online a bit crowded. Ask me for what I think is the fastest way in. You may need to practice your eye to hand coordination and if you are good at video games you may have a leg up on all of us. 

I hope everyone got to see the short video Marcy posted on her page of the now aforementioned infamous tambourine class. In just a few seconds it captures what some of you may have missed.  

How about a change of pace from the fanciful?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So cool!!!!!