Tripp Doherty

Tripp Doherty

Friday, December 10, 2010

My Wood Was Wet

Sometimes your curve ball just doesn’t break. It was that kind of start this morning wherein I just didn’t have it.  The adjustment interval going across the hall hit a snag with me for about 45 minutes in the new CS. My wood was wet and until I found some dry kindling the pilot light was spewing gas into the pre dawn light. 

Leave it to Sven to ignite the explosive side of me and recharge my inner fire.  A new choreography finally brought me to life and I remembered why I awoke in the dark without an alarm, because my own inner clock is automatically set to Svengali time. 

We have a lot to reflect on this past year, I am grateful for having found Tripp all those months ago and deciding to chronicle his exploits on a regular basis week to week. I cannot stress enough how Tripp, JC and I want to make this blog turn into a website and become totally interactive with all of you. We want to become part and parcel and adjunct if you will, to your experience with the Master of Incantation. Leave a comment, anonymous if you wish about what you love, what you don’t and how you see the New Year unfolding for you and for all of us. 


Anonymous said...

Hmmm that's a tough one when you like all of it...the only thing missing is the occasional happy hour! It's the most fun of the day for sure, and the most inspiring...Tripp has a tremendous gift and it's always humbling to be a part of something bigger than yourself and I feel privledged to be a small part of it......and unlucky for him, there is no way he's getting rid of me in that class!
So I guess I'll be the first to share some of my goals for 2011-take it all outside with a bunch of different races I haven't done before and tougher challenges than running in a straight be fitter than I was at help my kids realize the importance of loyalty and keeping their promises....and of course sharpen their soccer skills...and as far as less of I can make more tripp time!! And also finish number 1 with my team....there I did it whew...scary part is there's more...but I won't bore you to tears :) wish I was a more charismatic writer....
The midget who always sits in the front said...

This is perfect and exactly what we're talking about. It is not about the writing it is about the telling. I know there are more of you out there and the real challenge is that we don't know what's going on between your ears. It's up to YOU to tell us. Dreams and aspirations appear the more we visualize them and talk about them as well. Thank you for shedding some light on what's going on in your grey cell chamber. said...

Just checking the comments on this post there seems to be a dearth of them said...

Where are all the comments? I guess I won't hear anything.