Tripp Doherty

Tripp Doherty

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Fire Starter

The summer is over on the calendar if not when we walk out the door. We still can wear our summer attire, we haven’t donned a sweater just yet, and isn’t it about time we got back to Mr. Mayhem and his brand of unique exclamation?  I say unique even though this is an excessively used word, and  I mean what I say I will stick with unique. Because let’s face it, there is NO ONE like our Mr. Fantastic. 
I had forgotten his disheveled hairdo and his baseball hat on askew and his stage like presence on and off that Schwinn at the top of the CS. He is sort of like the anatomy of how a fire starts.  Take a newspaper page and twist it round until it’s tighter than those adjustment screws we fiddle with each session. Then take a match and strike it, and light the end of the front page story and place it near the kindling which is next to the three logs cradled in the iron grate. Then sit back and watch how a small blue flame turns into a roaring inferno. This inferno lasts just 57 minutes and although I have never gotten burned the heat is magnificent and I could swear I get a sunburn every time I fly with Mr. Fantastic. 
A visual trip around the room reveals that everyone here is a devotee of Tripp’s infectious motivational style. I cannot say that this has the structure of some of our famed teachers like Kristen, Michelle, Carolyn, Mike or Cathy Stone because it simply does not. If I want to go to class those are the professionals I spin with. When it’s time for recess I take a ride with Mr. Fantastic and I know that I am one hour closer to the fitness I desire. 

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