I found myself up close and personal in #5 witnessing Mr. Fantastic today in the shortened version at the noon hour. It may have been short in clock time but it was long on challenge as evidenced by the lake on the floor next to my bike. He was doing his circus act dancing and prancing and hopping and vaulting between seat and handlebars with the nimbleness of Jack and his candlestick. And when I see the whites of his eyes all I could think of was Linda Blair was making an unscheduled appearance and his head was going to spin around.
Debbie, you know her that physical speciwoman from out of this world? She had taken two spin classes today and it actually had me thinking about taking more than one class. Ah yeah, no in my dreams perhaps. However, there seem to be a smattering of devotees that do take more than one class a day. In fact the young woman two bikes over had taken 3 of Tripp’s classes this Tuesday. Hey it wasn’t long ago that I was taking two classes a week and I thought that was over my limit. Oh and Mr. Mayhem it was his fourth class and then he was off to the pool I think for a mere mile or two. It was a ho hum day for him.
Great stuff all around with Mr. Mayhem and I heard from his lips he’s moving among us and we just may see Mr. Incantation a lot more.
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