Tripp Doherty

Tripp Doherty

Monday, August 30, 2010

Let's Talk

On behalf of Tripp I would like to invite you to comment on his blog. For instance why do you visit the address? I am sure one of the reasons is Tripp himself. How do you know Mr. Mayhem? Is it through his classes at Equinox? Or is it a personal connection you share with him? We would love to hear your thoughts here. 
I started this blog because I saw something in him that was singular in nature. He inspired me big time, and writing about him is Faulkneresque, it just flows.  I know Tripp from class and it was in those 60 minute sessions I caught a glimpse of his irrepressible spirit. I have gotten to know him by way of sound bytes by phone and in person and I know it’s just the tip of the iceberg of a narrative that has to be told. 
So feel free, and bloviate to your hearts content. 


Anonymous said...

JB -

I read this blog because I enjoy your writing. You have a unique and descriptively succint style.

Although I am an Equinox member, I haven't been able to catch one of Tripp's classes. I hope to schedule one in soon - all because of what I have read in your blog.


JB has painted a quite a picture of your prowess. I hope that when our schedules meet, you can fufill my wildest dreams in the CS.


P.S. I would love to see an actual photo of Tripp on this blog. Agree ladies??

Anonymous said...

Tripp is absolutely incredible! He is one of the most inspirational people I have ever met and never fails to put a smile on his students' faces. I have learned so much from him in less than a year and I truly look forward to waking up to his spin classes.