Tripp Doherty

Tripp Doherty

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Shut It Down

Again this week I found myself  in the 45 minute version of Mr. Mayhem and we were treated to another rendition of the  ringmaster calling his last class for the next week as he is headed to compete in  the Iron Man at Lake Placid Sunday the 25th. It was  but 4 years ago Tripp was tipping the scales at 270 lbs. Quite a feat in terms of weight loss and more extraordinary as this competition  is comprised of 2.4 miles in the water, 112 miles on the bike and the classic 26.2 marathon distance on foot. Is that material for a book or what?  There is much more about Mr. Incandescent we would love to know and when he catches his breath after this competition I will sit down with him and get some newspaper copy for all of us to sink our teeth into. 
To a near packed house in the noon hour you can just feel the ground swell I was talking about yesterday starting to cascade over the membership at Equinox. Make no mistake about it Tripp has a following that we are only beginning to discover. When I ask my other cycle mates about who they spin with and when  Tripp’s name comes up, a big smile creases their face. And if by chance they haven’t, I give them a bagful of superlatives to urge them to sample this motion picture with the ever changing script. 
I swear that I am more soaked after this class than any other. Maybe it’s just the hot weather but in  the pool beneath my bike, I could do a jack knife into by mid session. The music was eclectic and seemed to fit my ear preferences as it reached back into the early 80’s and when he finished with Enigma for the cool down I could hardly believe our time was over. At the bottom of this post is the link for the Iron Man in case you want to follow the exploits of our hero this Sunday. 

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