Tripp Doherty

Tripp Doherty

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dawn Moon

I can’t even be sure if the moon was full this Friday morning on my way to spin with Svengali, but there it was big and bright nestled amongst a few cumulus clouds lit up by the brilliance of the big dead asteroid ¼ of a million miles away, but it inspired me to write about why we do what we do. And that is get up in the dark and glance over at our spouse or significant only to find them deep in the somnolent state. We think just for a moment maybe we just fall back unconscious as well.  But no we spring out of bed and travel who knows how many miles to land in the saddle in front of our trance inducer, Tripp Doherty or TRIPPER as I like to call him. 

Maybe it’s just me but have you sensed that our inspirer is but a changed man since his flirtation with death climbing Mount (ice) Washington? This is just my opinion and it is purely self-centered that I hope he never does that again. Having said that we do know that his life is about challenging himself regularly and I am all for that but not at the risk of life and limb. Okay I will hush. But you know it’s because most of us have grown to love him, including yours truly.  

Kudos go out to my friend Young Dana and her friend Lauren Beam, who is part of the inspiration in her involvement and dedication to Cycle for Survival. As I look at the pic in the previous post it shakes me right down to the ground. Yesterday she was in the front row and in deep concentration and she is just a marvel of what it is to be young. Youth is not wasted on the young with this woman and I am enamored that she is my friend. I like her husband too and their tiny humans even though I have not met them yet. 

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