Tripp Doherty

Tripp Doherty

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Prom Queen

A dark rainy November morning, and I was compelled to rise with just 6 hours sleep because Svengali had me in a trance induced state that told me: I must spin, I must spin. And because I was in a compliant state of mind, the 7:15 seemed like a logical place to find me hypnotically spinning my wheels to the Svengali chant.  

The CS was filled yet again to capacity and recognizing young Dana, Debbie, Mary and Randi in the same boat, I floated in the sea of familiarity, content to know that I was not the only one that was spellbound by the master of mesmerism. 

One of my friends in the CS, was a former Prom Queen and I asked her for that photo from that unforgettable night and in a split second she was a blushing bride, as I must have struck a chord in her memory banks, because I was hit with a definite no, but then she vacillated just a bit and indicated I might be able to procure the image I was seeking. I venture you might never be able to guess her identity from her picture but it might be fun to imagine how much she has changed, but it’s hardly possible that she might be any more beautiful than she is already. She is above all so kind hearted and gentle, she often lends me a sympathetic ear while I wax poetic about one of my entries here.  I suppose now that I have written this, my chances of seeing this photo have just dropped from slim to nil. 

There was a moment that Svengali looked to the heavens as if he was listening to the Almighty speak to him from the beyond, and as he cocked his head, I could almost hear him say: What was that again?  Oh okay, I’ll do as you ask. Tripp is extraordinary not just because he inspires and gives us a great ride, it’s more in my opinion that  he sees life from a different lens. One that is not looking to magnify his own, rather to help bend the light for others to see out of their own darkness. 


Anonymous said...

THANK U :) said...

This particular story holds many metaphors for me about life and the people in and out of mine. said...

Do you know of a prettier Prom Queen?