Tripp Doherty

Tripp Doherty

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Caramel Apple

Intuition tells us that our first impression is usually the right one.  This week brought me away from the power of my second sight, but it couldn’t be helped. Logic dictates when you have made commitments that either cannot be broken or because significant people in your life are depending upon you to perform those duties that must be attended to, the experience of the more desired alternative is the story that goes unwritten. It goes back to the unlived life; the one you could have breathed in, had you taken a right turn instead of a left. 

This week I missed Minnewaska and by the accounts personal to me, it was one helluva ride.  The next breaking story I was absent from was the charity ride on Saturday for JDRF. Another missed opportunity to pen yet another emotional and viscerally entertaining spin. There will be others my friends and somehow I will make it up over the course of time. 

I wonder if Tripp ever figured out where that caramel apple came from?

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