When I saw Tripp’s picture of his mom and dad here dropping him off at the airport and then of his biological mother on the left coast I thought to myself what a leap of faith. A leap for Tripp his adopted parents and even his biological mom as well. Like being caught between two worlds our hero had to leave the company of the parents and a relationship that he knows so well for the company that is for all intents and purposes uncharted territory. No easy emotional task. How did his parents in NY feel when they took him to the airport? I bet there was a lot of emotion they felt as the man they call their son left for the company of his biological mom.
When we touch our heartstrings sometimes we are just not ready for the notes they play but somehow some way I think it will be the most enriching experience for Tripp and his mom there and his lovely parents here. Sometimes we have to take a leap of faith to really find out who we are, where we came from and just how good we have it.